CEE 2010 Annual Conference

CEE 2010 Annual Conference: Transformation of the Turkish Economy 

20 December 2010, Monday

Rectorate Conference Hall

Boğaziçi University, Istanbul

09:00 - 09:30 - Registration

09:30 -09:45 - Welcome Note

Kadri Özçaldıran, Rector (Boğaziçi University)

09:45 - 10:15 - Opening Speech

  • Ali Kutan, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville

    “Achievements of the Turkish Economy and Policy Challanges Ahead”

10:15- 11:30 - Session 1: Transformation in Macroeconomics

Chair: Refik Erzan (Boğaziçi University)


11:30-11:45 - Coffee Break

11:45- 13:00 - Session 2: Transformation of State Capacity and Banking

Chair: Burak Saltoğlu (Boğaziçi University)


  • Nur Özkan GünayBoğaziçi University

    “Risk Management and Performance in Emerging Market Banks During the Post-Crisis Period: The Case of Turkey”

13:00-14:15 - Lunch

14:15- 15:30 - Session 3: Credit Card Markets and Competition

Chair: Ahmet Faruk Aysan (Boğaziçi University)


15:30-15:45 - Coffee Break

15:45- 17:00 - Session 4: Consumer Behaviors and Regulation in Credit Card Markets

Chair: Levent Yıldıran (Boğaziçi University)

  • Ahmet Faruk AysanBoğaziçi University

    “Do Credit Card Revolvers Use More Consumer Credit?”

  • Güzin Gülsün AkınBoğaziçi University

    “Competition and Regulation in Credit Card Markets: Evidence from Turkey”


  • Alper AlkanBoğaziçi University

    “Switching Costs in the Turkish Credit Card Market”

17:00-17:15 - Coffee Break

17:15- 18:45 - Panel: Future of Credit Cards market in Turkey and Regulations

Chair: Refik Erzan (Boğaziçi University)


Mehmet Sezgin, (Garanti Bank)

Kenan Alpdündar,  (Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey)  

Serkan Ülgen, (Yapı Kredi Bank)

Elçin Yanık, (Finansbank)  

18:45-19:00 - Coffee Break

19:00- 20:00 - Keynote Speech: 

İbrahim TurhanCentral Bank of the Republic of Turkey

20:00-21:30 - Cocktail Prolongé, Natuk Birkan Building, Second Floor