Competition and Regulation in Credit Markets

Competition and Regulation in Credit Markets

Güzin Gülsün AkınAhmet Faruk Aysan and Levent Yıldıran work on competition and regulation in credit markets. Their research can be summarized as follows:

Regulating Payment Services and Credit Services of Credit Cards:
Evidence from Turkey

Two different services are provided by credit cards: credit and payment
services. Existing literature treats these services markets separately. As
there are externalities between them, we analyse these markets together and
investigate the effects of the regulations imposed on each of them.

Switching Costs in the Turkish Credit Card Market

We analyse the switching behaviour of the Turkish credit cardholders by
using recent survey data. We try to determine whether switch costs exist and
the possible sources of these costs

How do individuals choose their banks and credit cards?

Using consumer level survey data we try to unravel the factors that affect individuals'
choices of banks and credit cards

Effects of Financial Knowledge and Literacy on Credit Card Defaults in Turkey

We try to determine whether financial knowledge and literacy play a
role in credit card defaults